Balkanska smotra mladih strip autora


Application for 25. comic festival

This year Leskovac school comics "Nikola Mitrović Kokan" operating within the Leskovac Cultural Centre will organize the event The Balkans festival of young comics creators" for the twenty-sixth time. The event will take place from 28th to 30th June 2024 in the premises of Leskovac Cultural Center, the National Museum of Leskovac and the Public Library "Radoje Domanović".
This year the festival will also be competitive, and the best in the categories of young comic artists, illustrator, comic strip writer and theoretician in the Balkans will receive plaques with the image of Nikola Mitrovic Kokan. Also, the second best in all four categories will also be awarded with Diplomas... There will be a Diploma for the best rookie, and there will also be an award for the contribution to the Serbian comic, whose winner will be the president of the three-member jury awarding the other prizes. The received works will be digitally and physically presented in the Gallery of Leskovac Cultural Center and their authors will receive Certificate of gratitude for participation in the festival as well as the mention in the catalog that each participant will receive. As part of the event which will last three days, there will be several lectures, public class drawing in the lobby of the Leskovac Cultural Center, projections of animated films and documentaries, the promotion of several comic magazine (from the country and from abroad) and a book on comic books, as well as panel discussions, public interviews and round tables.
As for the propositions for participating in the competition, they are as follows: the term young author means those authors under thirty years of age, and all who meet this basic requirement are free to present their works to the jury in any of the four categories. The older authors may also exhibit their works, and they are indeed invited to do so in order to set the example for the younger artists, but they will not enter the competition for awards. Award-wise, only Balkan- based authors can compete, but anyone from around the world can be part of the exhibit (on the Twenty-fourth Balkans festival of young comics creators in 2022, for example, 3046 authors from 82 countries from six continents had their works on display). In the category of illustration you can apply illustrations in color and black and white illustrations alsike. The comic scenarios and theoretical texts should be submitted typed. One can also submit a finished and completed comic that is based on a scenario. The pages doesn`t have to be from a complete comic, and one can participate with as many works as one likes. Also, the work(s) you are submitting does not have to be done specifically for our festival or done during last year. It is only important that it has not been exhibited in The Balkans festival of young comics creators before. Note: It is important to clearly state one`s age so as to avoid all possible misunderstandings.
This notification is therefore a call for participation to all young comics authors, comic schools and comics workshops operating in the Balkans; Leskovac school of comics will do our best to be the best possible host for all guests.
Important note: The works should be sent in 300DPI to the following address:
no later than 1st May 2024 where it is also possible to get additional information. The festival has a web site on:


Prijava za 25. smotru

Leskovačka škola stripa „Nikola Mitrović Kokan” koja radi u okviru Leskovačkog kulturnog centra organizovaće ove po dvadeset i šesti put manifestaciju „Balkanska smotra mladih strip autora”. Centralna manifestacija odigrati od 28. do 30. juna 2024. godine u prostorijama Leskovačkog kulturnog centra, Narodnog muzeja i Narodne biblioteke „Radoje Domanović” u Leskovcu.
motra će i ove godine biti nagradna, pa će najbolji u kategorijama mladog strip-crtača, ilustratora, strip-scenariste i strip-teoretičara na prostoru Balkana dobiti plakete sa likom Nikole Mitrovića Kokana, a dodeliće se i četiri dodatne diplome u sve četiri kategorije. Diplomu će dobiti i najbolji debitant, a dodeliće se i plaketa za doprinos srpskom stripu i balkanskom stripu. O dobitnicima ovih nagrada odlučivaće tročlani međunarodni žiri. Svi koji pošalju radove će dobiti zahvalnice za učestvovanje na smotri i biće pobrojani u katalogu koji će svaki učesnik dobiti. U sklopu same manifestacije koja će trajati tri dana, održaće se brojna predavanja, projekcije animiranih, igranih i dokumentarnih filmova, promocija strip-časopisa (iz zemlje ali i iz inostranstva) i knjiga o stripu, a biće neizostavno i tribina, javnih intervjua te okruglih stolova. Što se propozicija za učestvovanje u takmičarskom delu tiče, one su sledeće: pod terminom mladi autor podrazumevaju se oni autori mlađi od trideset godina, i svi koji ispunjavaju taj osnovni uslov slobodni su da svoje radove u bilo kojoj od četiri kategorije podnesu na uvid žiriju, ili kao materijal za izlaganje (izlagati mogu i stariji autori, što je i poželjno u cilju pružanja primera mlađim kolegama, ali ne mogu ući u konkurenciju za dodelu nagrada). Za nagrade mogu konkurisati samo strip-autori sa prostora Balkana, ali radove mogu slati autori iz čitavog sveta (na Balkanskoj smotri 2022. učestovalo je, na primer, 3046 autora iz 82 zemlje sveta sa 6 kontinenata).
U kategoriji ilustracije moguće je konkurisati kako ilustracijom u boji, tako i crno-belom ilustracijom, a strip-scenarije i teorijske tekstove treba slati otkucane u programu Word, ili pak podneti gotove i završene stripove koji su po scenarijima nastali. Može se učestovati sa neograničenim brojem radova, i u pitanju ne moraju biti gotovi, kompletni stripovi, kao ni oni koji su rađeni specijalno za Balkansku smotru. Jedini uslov je da dati radovi nisu već podnošeni i izlagani na nekoj od prethodnih Balkanskih smotri. Ovim se upućuje i poziv za učestvovanje svim mladim strip-autorima, školama i radionicama stripa koje deluju na prostoru Balkana; Leskovačka škola stripa će se potruditi da bude što je moguće bolji domaćin svim gostima.
Važna napomena: Radove treba slati na sledeću adresu: Miloš Cvetković Kozaračka 48 16000 Leskovac najkasnije do 1. maja 2024. godine. Poželjno je slati kvalitetne kopije i printove, kao i skenove u 300 DPI na adresu: gde je moguće dobiti i dodatne infomacije. Sajt festivala:

Sponzori 25. smotre

Prozor u drugačiju stvarnost

“Stripovi su novčano nezadovoljavajući. Stripovi ne nude mnogo u smislu bogatstva i slave, ali stripovi će vam dati potpunu slobodu da pričate priče koje želite, na načine koji se razlikuju od bilo kog drugog medija. Stripovi će vas podići nakon što vas obore. Stripovi će vas oduvati i reći vam da vas vole.” - Brian Michael Bendis